Monday, April 19, 2010

I Have A Blogger!

So apparently, I really do have a Blogger account. I found this out when I was trying to register and realized that my email address is somehow already in Blogger's database.

It's been around two years since I last blogged (I used to be at Blogdrive) and the recent development you see here is due to my recurring afternoon boredom. I'm not going to promise anything here folks. I'm not going to try to sound intelligent or grammatically correct or anything, I'm just going to type whatever I feel like typing. I'm not even going to promise regular updates. God knows how irregular I am when it comes to that.

School's going to start this June so my future presence here might not be as stark as it is now when I'm doing nothing. The point is, there is no point to this blog. It is nothing more but a mere sounding board of my ego. But being exactly that, I do hope to keep you folks entertained.

Hugs and kisses,

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